Shockwave therapy uses sound waves to quickly reduce pain by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes.
Unlike surgical options, this therapy is non-invasive, requiring no incisions or anesthesia, making it safer with fewer side effects.
Patients can usually resume their daily activities immediately after treatment, unlike more invasive procedures that require lengthy recovery periods.
This therapy enhances collagen production, crucial for the repair and strengthening of tendon tissues, reducing the likelihood of future injuries.
Shockwave therapy increases blood flow to the affected area, accelerating the healing process by bringing more oxygen and nutrients to the damaged tissues.
Compared to surgery, shockwave therapy is more affordable, avoiding the high costs of hospital stays and extended recovery.
With up to 80% of patients reporting significant improvements, this therapy has a proven track record of effectiveness.
By addressing pain at its source, shockwave therapy can decrease the need for long-term pain medication, which often comes with side effects.
Instead of just masking symptoms, this therapy promotes regeneration and repair of the tendon, offering a more permanent solution.
From young athletes to older adults, this therapy is safe for a wide range of patients due to its gentle, non-invasive nature.
Many patients experience improved flexibility and reduced stiffness after treatment, which is particularly beneficial for athletes.
The effects of shockwave therapy are not just immediate but also long-lasting, often reducing the recurrence of tendonitis.
Numerous studies support the efficacy and safety of shockwave therapy, giving patients confidence in its use as a treatment option.
Conclusion: If Achilles tendonitis is affecting your quality of life, shockwave therapy offers a compelling, research-backed solution that not only provides immediate relief but also supports long-term recovery. Consider taking the next step towards pain-free movement with this innovative treatment.
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Open: Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00 / Sat 09:00-13:00
94 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8FE
8 Wollaton Road, Beeston, Nottinghamshire NG9 2NR
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